London Comicon!

I Haven't' written in a while but I have been rather busy with life and things.
I went to London Comicon :L 
Here is a picture of us dressed as the Kick Ass Crew, I went with my Brother (Kick Ass) Josh (Red Mist) Dad (Big Daddy)!
It was a really enjoyable day, the costumes were amazing, people did keep running up to us with free hug signs. My dad was really funny, my family doesn't really hug or kiss so when screaming 14 year old girls were running up to him and hugging him, it was priceless :L The akward *Pat Pat* on the back sort of hug.

The weeks been good, fully trained on waste water calls now, woooo now i'll be dealing with the real shit (No pun intended).

I put my name down to be "On Call" I thought oh yes brilliant, being paid to be on call, so if they don't call me I still get paid!
I am sat by the phone worrying all day and all night waiting for the dreaded call, I can be called in any time of day/ night. From Friday 11pm - Sun Morning.
Even tho I am at home "Relaxing" i'm still slightly on edge, its meant to be really bad weather all of Saturday, I can't drink, can't venture too far JUST in case :C

At 3am this morning Jeff (Next Door to mine and Josh's bedroom) got a call, I instantly jumped up and answered my phone shouting "Hello, Yes I'm awake" And then heard Jeff talking on the phone, Bloody on call, Ugg.

Never being on call ever again, it sucks.

I have realised lately I have a very square face, due to me trying on women glasses. This is a picture of me wearing woman glasses:
It completely transforms my face you see.

So I looked in the man section and found amazing glasses that make my square head look more like sponge bob, I can live with that.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention, after many many years of trying to get glasses, I have finally prescription glasses, no more wearing fake Claire's accessories glasses for me :)
I have wanted glasses for so long, I like having them on my face, I usually wear 3D glasses with the lenses removed.
