I'm pregnant!?

Madness, I thought I was pregnant so I took a test (a cheap one from Tesco) and it hasn't changed. So I threw it in my bedroom bin. For the next few days, I felt.... different. I knew something was up. I took the test out of my bedroom bin 3 days later and bought it into the kitchen and held it under the clinical light. I could see a very faint pink line and had to ask my husband if he could see it too. He said he guessed so? We rushed to Tesco and he bought the most expensive electronic pregnancy test money could buy! It said to test in the morning as this is when the hormone levels are strongest. Since we had paid alot of money for this test, we decided to wait until tomorrow.

I woke up at 6am on the Saturday. My husband was still fast asleep, I sneaked out of bed and decided to test it on my own.
I waited and the little screen just said loading, felt like an hour (but in reality was only 3mins) then there it was "Pregnant 1-2"
I stood there silently in the bathroom, I was utterly speechless and just stared at the test thinking could it be wrong?

After a good 15mins I ran into the bedroom and said to Josh, we are having a baby. He sprung out of bed and cuddled and kissed me, so overjoyed!

I was ravenous the first 2-5 weeks and then soooo tired, I fell asleep on the sofa at around 8pm! But then by week 6, the sickness started, from the moment I opened my eyes to the moment I went to sleep at night. I was only sick a handful of times, but the nausea was so strong. This is not like a nice hangover sick where you feel amazing after you've been sick. No. This is horrible and nothing really cures it, I tried ginger tea, biscuits, crackers etc. Nothing really helps.

Basically try everything and just hope for the best, walking helps and concentrating on a task and not thinking about the sickness also really helps.

Seeing our baby on the scan was crazy!! It was smiling and waving and moving around, so detailed, technology has come on leaps and bounds since the baby scans in the movies!!

I'm now just coming up to week 14 and the sickness is finally slowing down, still feel sick morning and afternoon, but the night has eased off a little now 😁
