36+3 Weeks Pregnant

I am now over 36 weeks pregnant, I'm getting closer and closer to the finishing line. Reading other peoples blogs and comments on all the different forums, getting more and more nervous for D-Day! So many horror stories, but many beautiful stories too.

After being a vegetarian for over 6 years, I had a huge craving for meat. I finally caved and went to McDonald's, ordered everything on the menu. My husband was very worried and thought I'd be sick instantly! But I felt amazing, for the first time in over 14 weeks I felt good with no sickness. So from that point, I knew I was having a boy! Josh's grandad was a games keeper in the North so his dad's family would have meat most nights. So no suprise this little one wanted meat too! I tried all the veggie alternatives from Quorn to Linda McCartney and Holland and Barrett vegan food. But nothing made me feel better, one night after my Quorn sausages I threw them up and sat by the loo defeated and ill. So I am glad I finally feel better, even if I am no longer vegetarian. Some women are very strong in their pregnancies but I couldn't go on feeling that sick day in and day out, I was exhausted.

My whole pregnancy has gone very well, I've had no stretch marks and my boobs haven't grown much (I was already a 30GG) I only needed to buy a new maternity wireless bra so my rib cage could expand without any issues. I've been drinking over 2 litres of water a day which is really helping, I can't recommend it enough!

Had the 20 week scan and got it confirmed, we are having a little boy! No suprise there ha ha!!

Around 30 weeks my pelvis started to really hurt and I Googled different symptoms. But couldn't find anything specific to how I was feeling, everything was pointing to normal growing pains. I finally booked an appointment at the doctors and they said this was called Pelvic girdle pain (PGP). 
They referred me to a physiotherapist and I now have crutches! So much better to walk with, but I look like a sorry sight, heavily pregnant hobbling around on crutches. But this pain will go away once the baby is born which is a relief to hear.

Now just over 2 weeks before I finish work (working up until 39 weeks) as I work behind a desk so I'd rather more time with my baby than having rest time!!

I have read alot of different ways to give birth and I have decided to have as little drugs as possible and to have a water birth. We will see how all that pans out! I've left my birth plan very open, so I'm not disappointed or rule anything out if the pain is too much. It's so weird, everyone's pain threshold is completely different, I have many tattoos and don't find them painful where as others find them excruciating. So we are all different and our contractions vary from women to women. I am very nervous about giving birth, the fake Braxton Hick contractions are just a taste of what is to come in a few weeks!? Ahh!!

By the time I write my next blog he might be here and then I'll write about the actual birth eeeeee!!
